Cultural Corner: Chupacabra

Cultural Corner: Chupacabra

This creature was first reported in Puerto Rico in 1995 when eight animals were discovered dead each with three puncture wounds to the chest. The animals were said to have been found with no blood in their bodies. A similar incident happened a few months later, also in Puerto Rico. In the following years similar sightings were reported throughout Latin America and even into the United States. The name comes from the Spanish verb chupar, which means to suck and the Spanish noun cabrawhich means goat, as they reportedly attack and kill goats before drinking their blood! The name was coined by the Puerto Rican comedian Silverio Pérez shortly after the first sighting.

Many scientists believe that the so-called Chupacabra is simply a wild dog or coyote with an infection that makes it look and behave strangely. Nevertheless, the Chupa-cabra has become a popular urban legend around the world and it has featured in many T.V. shows and cartoons. One can also buy Chupacabra T-shirts and toys online!


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