Biography: Anne Frank

Biography: Anne Frank

Anne Frank was born into a Jewish family in Frankfurt, Germany. When she was only four years old, Adolf Hitler came to power and her family fled to Amsterdam for safety. Unfortunately, in May 1940, the German armed forces also occupied the Netherlands.  The Jewish faced many restrictions and also had to wear a yellow Star of David on their clothes. Anne’s father,  Otto, had heard of the terrible concentration camps and therefore hid his family in 1942. They shared their hidden room with another family. Anne’s older sister Margot and her mother also lived with her.  The living conditions were difficult as there was never enough food and they were often afraid of being discovered. Anne felt lonely and was thrilled to receive a diary for her thirteenth birthday. For the next two years she wrote daily in her diary to record her feelings and experiences. In 1944, the family was discovered and taken to a concentration camp. Only her father survived. Fortunately, her diary survived the war and Otto published it in 1947. It was translated into English in 1952 and titled Diary of a Young Girl. The house where the family hid is now a museum.   


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