Further Learning: Study Tips

Further Learning: Study Tips

Learning a new language is both challenging and fun. Proper study techniques can go a long way in helping you achieve your goals. As adult learners, many of us have been outside of a formal teaching environment for many years and have forgotten old study habits. Here are some useful study tips for language learning:

  • Be organized. It’s a good idea to get a binder and divide it into sections such as vocabulary, grammar notes, verbs, cultural readings etc.
  • Be consistent. Set aside 20-30 minutes each day to study your target language. Smaller chunks of time are more effective than longer sessions.
  • Review frequently. Always begin with a quick review. Repetition is the key to language learning. A short review functions as a warm-up and prepares your brain for new material.
  • Read aloud. Training your tongue and mouth to move in new ways creates muscle memory and aids in pronunciation and vocabulary retention.
  • Create flashcards. Adding a color code to your flashcards helps with memory retrieval. For example, verb conjugations could be placed on green cards, feminine nouns on red and masculine on blue. Learning words by category is also effective. Aim to learn five new words per day for a total of around 25 to 30 words per week.
  • Involve other people. Studying with a partner is ideal but if that is not possible you could form a study group at work, go to a meet-up event or do a language exchange with a native speaker from your target language.
  • Vary your routine. Don’t always study in the same way, as it will lead to boredom. Try reading one day, listening to an audio CD or watching a movie with subtitles the next.
  • Use technology. Listen to podcasts, visit free language learning websites and consider purchasing some useful apps for your smart phone.
  • Remember to have fun! Language learning is a process that you should enjoy. It may feel at times like you’re taking one step forward and two steps back but whenever you make the time to study you are creating new pathways in your brain that help reinforce your newfound skills.



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