Further Learning: Online Resources

Further Learning: Online Resources

Online translation service concept

Learning a language has never been easier for those who are unable to go and live in a foreign country to study their target language. There are numerous online resources available to help with listening and comprehension skills as well as to practice verb conjugations and build vocabulary. The challenge can be filtering through these resources to find the best ones. Below are my recommendations of podcasts, websites and apps that can serve as excellent supplemental materials. All sources are free unless otherwise indicated.

In Spanish:

Podcasts: (all available for free on iTunes)

Notes in Spanish: Inspired Beginners/Intermediate/Advanced/Gold

Spanish Obsessed

Coffee Break Spanish

Real Deal Spanish

News in Slow Spanish

Lightspeed Spanish

Learn Spanish on Spanishdict.com (video series)

Spanish GED (from Spain)

VOA: Buenos Dias America

Radio Ambulante (for advanced speakers)


www.quizlet.com (great flash card practice)

www.tunein.com (international radio)

app.fluencia.com (all around learning *fee based)

www.spaleon.com  (verb conjugation practice)

www.conjuguemos.com (verb conjugation practice)

www.duolingo.com/course/es/en/Learn-Spanish-Online (all around learning)

www.babbel.com/learn-spanish-online (all around learning)

www.spanishpod101.com (*various fees great for audio!)

www.spanish.yabla.com  (*pay site with audio, videos)

www.bbc.co.uk/mundo/  (newspaper from Spain)

www.elcomercio.pe (business newspaper)

www.elpais.com/global (general interest newspaper)

www.hola.com  (society/gossip newspaper)

Youtube Videos



Duolingo (very popular!)

Word Ref (great dictionary)

Spanish Dict! (great dictionary+ online practice)

Language Lab by McGrall Hill (free flashcards)

Gengo Word Power Spanish (*small fee)

Babbel Spanish

24/7 Tutor Spanish

Busuu Spanish

In German:

Podcasts: (all available for free on iTunes)

Yabla German (videos)

DW: Deutsche im Alltag

DW: Typisch Deutsche

Coffee Break German

Learn German: Pod 101 (audio/video)

Audio Tutor Learning German

News in Slow German
Deutsche Welle Warum Nicht.
German LingQ
Learn German by Podcast
Radio D

Slow German with Annik Rubbens


www.quizlet.com (great flashcards!)

www.nthuleen.com/teach/grammar.html  (grammar helper)

www.germanpod101.com (*various fees great for audio!)

www.german.about.com/library/blregverb_qz01.htm (verb conjugation practice)

www.duolingo.com/course/de/en/Learn-German-Online (all around practice)

http://www.babbel.com/learn-german-online (all around practice)

www.tunein.com (international radio)

http://german.net/verbs/conjugation/present/ (verb conjugation practice)

www.deutsch-perfekt.com (Multimedia website for learners)

www.spiegel.de (general interest newspaper)

www.stern.de (society/gossip newspaper)


Duolingo (very popular!)

Leo (great dictionary)

Language Lab by McGrall Hill (free flashcards)

Gengo Word Power German (*small fee)

Babbel German

24/7 Tutor German

Busuu German

I am always looking for new ideas to recommend to my students. If you have had success with an online resource you would like to share please post your suggestions!



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